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What is ISO/IEC 17025 and What Does It Contain? ISO/IEC 17025 specifies the general requirements for the competence to carry out tests and/or calibrations, including sampling. It covers testing and calibration quality systems using standard methods, non-standard methods, and laboratory-developed methods. ISO/IEC 17025:2017 consists of five elements: Scope, Normative References, Terms and Definitions, Management Requirements, and Technical Requirements. The two main sections are Management Requirements and Technical Requirements. Management Requirements are primarily related to the operation and effectiveness of the laboratory’s quality management system. Technical Requirements includes factors that determine the correctness and reliability of the tests and calibrations performed by the laboratory.

One of the main advantages of accreditation is that your laboratory will gain international recognition for its commitment to quality, competency and reliable results. In addition, accreditation will signify that you comply with an internationally recognized standard, thus easing the global exchange of valuable information. This is only one example of what accreditation can do for your company. There are many other reasons to pursue accreditation.

Accreditation is an objective way to assure your customers that you have demonstrated technical competence to provide reliable and accurate test or calibration results. Accreditation is objective because an independent, third party accreditation body performs annual assessments to verify whether your system is meeting all of the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025. This independent evaluation is important to the customer, because it is an unbiased guarantee that your laboratory is performing at its highest level.

Steps to Accreditation File Application – Receive Quote – Enter Contract – Prepare for Accreditation – Document Review – Preliminary Assessment (Optional) – Opening Meeting (Entry Briefing) – Accreditation Assessment – Closing Meeting (Exit Briefing) – Corrective Action – Executive Committee’s Decision – Accreditation Certificate – Surveillance Assessments QSG can support your ISO 17025 implementation, and recommends the following Training Courses:

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