Event Details
16 hours
Combination lecture and classroom exercises
Start date: December 03, 2024
End date: December 04, 2024
Start time: 08:30 a.m. EST
End time: 04:30 p.m. EST
Venue: Virtual on Zoom
Directions: Training will occur on Zoom. You will be provided with a unique link per registrant. Please plan to login 10 minutes prior to the session start time.
VDA 6.3 was published for the first time in 1998 and was revised in 2010, 2016 as well as 2023 (present edition).
What has changed compared to the 2016 version?
- Software aspects have been taken into consideration in the questionnaire
- The content of this volume has been harmonized with further VDA methods, namely Automotive SPICE® and maturity level assurance for new parts (VDA MLA)
- Requirements regarding purchasing activities were added to P3 and P4
- Specification of the auditor qualification
- Notes on conducting remote audits were added
- Chapter 4 (“Audit process”) was deleted, as its contents are included in ISO 19011
- Chapter 8 (“Process audit services”) was deleted from VDA Volume 6.3
- Chapter 10 (“Best practice/lessons learned”) was deleted
- The evaluation of transport and parts handling (EU7) was omitted
- In some cases, questions with special significance (*-questions) were redefined
- Some of the questions regarding the potential analysis were reallocated
- A comprehensive online glossary for all VDA volumes was established
- Editorial revision
What has remained the same?
- The classification system (A, B, C) for the overall assessment
- The structure of the questionnaire
- The evaluation model for the individual questions (10-8-6-4-0)
- The applicability of process elements P2–P7 according to Figure 2-1
- The Turtle Model
- Previous downgrading rules
During the revision, the distinction between process and system audits was once again explicitly considered. The current IATF requirements have been observed.
For products with integrated (embedded) software, the interface between hardware and software has been strengthened. However, for a detailed evaluation of the software development, the Automotive SPICE® method should be used.
Due to the changes that have been made, the results of audits conducted according to the present volume are not directly comparable to the results of audits carried out in accordance with the previous edition from 2016.
This two-day course is designed to introduce the process audit approach as it applies to the VDA 6.3 (2023) standard. This course will help you understand the process audit and offer guidance on its use. Using the process approach and the respective customer-specific requirements, this course teaches you the basics for qualification as VDA 6.3 Process Auditor.
The introduction to the basics of process auditing includes general requirements, methods, principles, assessment scheme and risk analysis.
The course will also apply to conducting a process audit to VDA 6.3 as required by many European customers to the automotive industry. VDA 6.3 is one of many documents produced by the VDA (Verband der Automobilindustrie), an interest group of the German automobile manufacturers and component suppliers. It has been adopted by German automakers as a supplier requirement.
Each participant will receive a seminar manual with case studies and a guide for conducting a process audit to VDA 6.3.
Who Should Attend
This seminar is designed for Quality Assurance Managers, VDA 6.3 Auditors and Implementation Team Members, Management Representatives, Quality System and Process auditors.
Learning Objectives
Through training, participants will learn to:
- Understand the process audit approach
- Understand the requirements of VDA 6.3
- Prepare, perform and complete an audit to VDA 6.3
Participants will also gain insight into the ISO 45001 audit requirements to augment/sustain an existing program and gain knowledge to help manage a successful health and safety implementation project.