Event Details
8 hours (1 in-person session or 2 virtual sessions)
Instructor-led classroom training, in-person and in-groups, with lots of discussion and working sessions to practice learned skills.
Available at QSG’s training facilities, virtually, or on-site at your organization
8:00am–4:00pm (ET) each day ON-SITE
9:00am–12:30pm (ET) each day VIRTUAL
Customer site: times vary
Workbook: Design Review Essentials Workbook, by Charles Gillis
The course describes how Design Reviews can be used along with other new product development methods to improve product designs and uncover potential problems early enough to fix them. A range of effective techniques for organizing and conducting Design Reviews will be presented. Participants will receive specific guidance and tools to assist them in customizing Design Reviews to reflect their own organization’s requirements.
In this workshop attendees not only learn the essential elements of a robust Design Review process but also have the opportunity to apply these principles in a real Design Review. Attendees will play each of the roles in a typical Design Review; leader, facilitator, recorder, and participant. Lessons learnt will be captured after the application practice exercises to discuss positive outcomes and identify opportunities for improvement.
Who Should Attend
This course is designed for engineers and managers involved in the development of new products, including functions such as design, development, quality, manufacturing, and project management.
Learning Objectives
Through training, participants will learn the following:
- Describe the role of the Design Review Process in the product development process
- Establish the requirements for a successful Design Review process
- Describe the types and timing of Design Reviews
- Organize a typical Design Review
- Conduct a Design Review and set clear follow-up action items
Course Outline
Outline of the Design Review Process
Design Review as part of an overall risk management process
What design reviews are and are not
Design Review Context
Place for the Design Review in the Product Development Process
Types and Timing of Review
Project reviews vs Technical Reviews
Concept reviews
Preliminary reviews, Critical reviews
Production readiness reviews
Scope of Design Reviews
Design Review vs gate (or phase) review
Formal and informal reviews
Key ingredients for a successful review
Implementing a Design Review process
Organizing an Effective Design Review
Participant roles
Selecting participants
Preparing for the Design Review
Conducting a Design Review
Best practices
Using checklists and Internal Company Standards
Conflict Management
Post-Design Review Follow-Up
Meeting minutes
Closure and follow-up